This week we were priviledged to be featured on Dr. Harvey Passes public access show, "Harvey Passes Presents…", on Cablevision. Although I’ve appeared on television previously, this was my first studio taping; the other pieces had been filmed in my home. The Charlie Rose style set was both formal and inviting, providing a nice setting in which to conduct a casual conversation about wine and a brief tasting of four Long Island wines.
After the taping, we raced back to the city to attend the Rose Avengers & Producers (RAP) event, which featured ~30 rose wines from the U.S. (including Long Island), France, Spain and others. We were able to quickly taste through approximately 10 wines, with a particular emphasis on completing our May newsletter, "Everything’s Coming Up Roses." Three of those wines were ultimately written up for this purpose.
By now it was 5:30 PM and I had just enough time to get uptown to my Diploma of Wine & Spirits class. That evening’s class was facilitated by Larry Perrine of Channing Daughters Winery, whom I had briefly met earlier at the RAP event. The session was quite interesting as Larry discussed both the text book aspects of wine finishing and maturation processes, along with the reality of what actually happens in the winery. Accordingly, I learned a lot about that aspect of vinification and hope to successfully convey this information to my students in the same way.
Returning home after class, I changed my clothes and poured myself into bed, the end of the day finally at hand. Despite my exhaustion, filling the day with the world of wine had been both fun and educational.